18th Nov 2010: I catched the train (Ernavikulam Exp) from Yashvanthpur, Bangalore for Aluva. Next day morning around 7:20am I got down at Aluva, Just one station before the Ernavikulam end station. Aluva is the nearest railway station of Selim Ali Bird Santuary and Kochi is the nearest Air port. From Aluva I taken one taxi (60 km) and reached Selim Ali BS withen one and half hour. Sudha-Amma (Girish's Mather) was waiting for me at the gate of the park. After breakfast with Appam and egg I planned to take rest but Sudha-Amma asked me to go with her for bird watching. She is also good bird spotter like her son.
We went to the nearest lake for water bird shooting and found a big gang of Lesser Whistling Ducks was playing in the lake, whiskered tern flying around for fishing and white Breasted King fisher waiting alone in the rain for prey. It was drizzling and light was very poor, So to save my camera from rain water we took place in fishing shades and try to manage some shot in unfavourable condition.

After spending some time in the fishing shade Sudha Amma asked me to come back becouse we ware expecting a heavy rain at anytime. While coming back we found two Grey Jungle fowl, Before I possitioned my tripod and Camera they went off but still I managed some record shot.

At the main gate of the park Sudha-amma spotted one Brown Hawk Owl couple. This is the 1st time I watched the Brown Hawk Owl and photographed too.

At last as a closing event of morning session she showed me Malabar grey Hornbill seating on tree branch just outside wall of her house. I photographed and quickly packed my camera as rain started by that time. I did not expect rain at all and it made me down almost but still during morning session I photographed two new species that I never seen before. I went for bath and plan for a short nap after lunch to keep myself ready with full of energy for evening session.